Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Melur

This blog is dying... so we'll try to rejuvenate it with news about birth... birthday lah!

Melur's birthday is on August 30th. We let her choose her own birthday gift, and the restaurant for dinner. For her gift, Melur chose a huge make-up kit (made for kids of course). Mommy and Melur spent the afternoon putting them on. And Melur chose Red Lobster to have her dinner celebration. One good thing about Kingston is Red Lobster... we didn't have one in Vancouver.

Dinner was great. We bought Melur a birthday cake from Baskin Robins - pink cake with ballerina shoes on top. Unfortunately, the people at Red Lobster didn't put it in the fridge when we dropped it off in the morning. The cake melted, totally flat by the time we finished dinner. But they were so apologetic. They bought us a replacement cake... and gave us a discount in the end.

It was a good birthday celebration. We look forward to celebrating it again next year!

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