Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bike Arrives

Melur's New Bicycle Arrives...

Melur's new 'My Little Pony' Bicycle

Well... on the way home from work today, Daddy stopped by Toy's R Us, to pick up the bike we bought last Saturday. It was an interesting ride home. Apparently, Daddy wasn't really allowed to bring such a large bike (16" wheels) into the bus. And Daddy couldn't mount it to the front of the bus because of the training wheels. But the driver reluctantly let me on anyway.

Go Melur, Go!

Melur was so happy to finally get her bike. She took a ride up and down Melfa Lane. Unfortunately, Arman was quite upset that he didn't get a bike too. But you know, he's still too young for it. Maybe one day soon.

Melur Showing-Off Her New Bike

After a rounds on the bike, we put the bike away in the store room. Melur will have to get the Nanny to get it out tomorrow, in order to ride it. We're all happy she's happy. I wonder when we can remove the training wheels...

Happy Melur

1 comment:

kawa Boo! said...

Wow! Melur has sure grown a lot. and u guys finally let her grow her hair long. she looks good! and cute bike ;)