Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merhaban / Khatam Quran

Mommy and the kids attended another family event this afternoon, "Khatam" Quran for a few of Mommy's teenage cousins. The event was held at Cik Jie's brand-new house in Ampang. It is definitely a very nice house – a three-story linked house right at the corner. It’s very spacious - large kitchen, bedrooms, and family room, with security and a playground right next to the house itself. The neighborhood is very quiet...I guess Mommy has been watching too much of the Home & Garden TV (HGTV) channel. Mommy's favorite shows on HGTV are "Buy Me" and "Flip This House." Maybe one day Mommy and Papa will be able to afford a nice house like that.

Melur and Arman had fun with Aiman (Cik Jie's youngest), who was born the same year as Melur. Aiman used to play with Melur before we left for Vancouver.

For the "Khatam" Quran, the cousins took turns reading different verses from the Quran. Then there was the local "Merhaban" group. Lots of food as usual - "nasi dagang", "laksa penang" and several "kuih"... Mommy remembers the food so well. Overall, the event was quite nice... the kids sure had fun practicing their Malay.

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